Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Category

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Emily McGee, 2019

Things I didn't say but wish I did.


Emer Conroy, 2019

A woman hunted, accused of witchcraft, who finds love in an unlikely ally. Can she escape with her life? Can she ever truly be free?


David Moody, 13 minutes, 2018

A Roma boy attempts to find his footing in a city that does not fully accept him.


Dave Fox, 12 minutes, 2023

Darren needs help. His fears and anxieties are manifesting themselves in the most unusual of ways - through the medium of opera. He visits his therapost to find a quick solution, but sometimes restoring harmony is about facing the music.…

Cat Calls

Kate Dolan, 9 minutes, 2018

A man cruises around late at night looking for something. He pulls in to ask two young girls for directions - only to flash them to get a cheap thrill. Unfortunately, he has picked the wrong girls. They are also…

Céad Ghrá

Brian Deane, 11 minutes, 2015

Two best-friends set out on a quest in pursuit of their first crush.

Ceist an Taibhse

Richard Harvey, 6 minutes, 2024

A talented mandolin player who prefers his own company, discovers an unexpected sparring partner in a remote place. After taking the time to listen to himself, he realises that his talent must be shared in order to progress.


Tom Lenihan, 12 minutes, 2019

It's not easy being a teenager. Especially when you have a chestnut for a head.


Barry Dignam, 3 minutes, 2000

Adolescent sexuality is explored here in Barry Dignam's dramatic short which continues his interest in revelation of gay desire. Here, in the evening light, two young men drink on a beach and test each other’s bravery in games of ‘chicken’…

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by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland