Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Category

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Filleadh an Athair

Tomasz Woszczynski, 10 minutes, 2016

Scaoiltear fear as an bpríosún le castáil ar a iníon fásta. Ach cuireann trioblóid agus náire sa bhaile baol ar saoirse an fir.   A man gets out of prison to see his adult daughter. Shame, rejection and trouble with his…

Film from the Sea

Alan Lambert, 5 minutes, 1999-2011

Film from the Sea is a strip of 35mm cine-film found on a beach in Valencia, Spain. Corrosion has allowed only little photographic emulsion to survive, although two uniformed figures (possibly Spanish Revolution soldiers) in heated discussion can be perceived.…

The First was a Boy

Shaun Dunne, 10 minutes, 2019

Set in the heart of Dublin's ever-changing Ringsend, this experimental film explores the special bonds between grandparents and grandchildren, grief and ageing.

Five Letters to the Stranger who will Dissect My Brain

Oonagh Kearney, 24 minutes, 2018

Five Letters to the Stranger who will Dissect My Brain describes the soul-searching journey of first-year medical student Viv, whose first encounter with a cadaver in the anatomy room sends her a quest into the nature of what it means…


Thaddeus O'Sullivan, 11 mins, 1974

Flanagan was devised and produced when Thaddeus O’Sullivan was a postgraduate student at the Royal College of Art.  After an opening image of the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus, we cut to a young man who epitomises the angst-ridden artist…

Flea Ceoil

Louis Marcus, 23 minutes, 1967

A tribute to the ‘Fleadh’ – a traditional Irish music festival – Louis Marcus’ film was made in the town of Kilrush in Co. Clare in 1967, at the peak of the 1960s resurgence of Ireland’s musical traditions. This intimately…

The Flight to Memmingen

Greg Corcoran, 15 minutes, 2018

A darkly comic relationship drama based on a short story by Icelandic writer Gyrðir Elíasson, The Flight to Memmingen tells of the rise and tragic demise of standup comedian Dave Murphy. He just wants some peace to write his famine…

Fluent Dysphasia

Daniel O'Hara, 16 minutes, 2004

A clever spin on the difficulties Irish speakers can face in their own country, Fluent Dysphasia has the beer-swilling, pub-crawling Murph (Stephen Rea) suffer a head injury that leaves him capable of only speaking in Irish. Suddenly appearing terrifying to…

For Ireland’s Sake

Sindey Olcott, 39 minutes, 1914

The O’Kalems’ returned for a fourth time to Killarney in 1913 but under new management. After her resignation, along with Olcott, from Kalem in 1912, Gene Gauntier capitalised on her own fame as an actress to form her own production…

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