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Tom Cosgrove, 80 minutes, 2021

For five city friends, a day out hiking in the Irish countryside takes a turn for the worse when one of them suffers an accident. Forced to take a shortcut off the mountain, the friends cross onto private property in…

His and Hers

Ken Wardrop, 80 minutes, 2009

Already celebrated for his short films, Ken Wardrop here translated his distinctive documentary style to his first feature, an endearing documentary which sees seventy women of all ages tell the camera their feelings about the men in their lives. Adopting…

His Mother

Sidney Olcott, 12 minutes, 1912

A variation on the emigrant theme found in The Lad from Old Ireland, His Mother also engages with the emotional costs of migration on those left behind. Other familiar elements include the interior of the Irish cottage and the central…

The Hole in the Ground

Lee Cronin, 90 minutes, 2019

Trying to escape a broken past, Sarah (Seána Kerslake) is rebuilding her life on the outskirts of an isolated rural town with her young son, Chris (James Quinn Markey). Following the discovery of a mysterious sinkhole in the vast forest…

Hole in the Head

Dean Kavanagh, 95 minutes, 2022

While Irish director Dean Kavanagh’s latest film sees him take a step away from his previous, more purely experimental work towards a traditional, narrative style, the playful approach to the medium of cinema on display and the healthy dose of…

Home is the Hero

J. Fielder Cook , 83 minutes, 1959

Adapted from Walter Macken’s stage play of the same name, Home is the Hero is a dark, brooding family drama that tells the tale of Paddo O’Reilly (Walter Macken), who returns to his home after serving five years in prison…

Home Turf

Ross Whitaker, 15 minutes, 2011

Home Turf lovingly envisions what has become an endangered activity – cutting turf from bogs to provide fuel for domestic fires. The turf cutters are characterised by hard work and proclaim both their love for their work and the good…


Luke McManus, 5 minutes, 2012

A shocking vision of a generational conflict between feral youth and seemingly genial pensioners, Homemade has the elderly Tommy’s (Jim Norton) efforts to live a quiet life and strike up a relationship with new flame Joan (Deirdre Donnelly) upset by…

Homo Sapiens Project (93)

Rouzbeh Rashidi , 12 minutes, 2012

The 93rd film in Rashidi’s ongoing Homo Sapiens Project, HSP (93) evokes, like much of his prolific output, the atmospheric unease and suspense of horror cinema removed from its contextual and narrative confines. A man (played by Rashidi himself), inhabits…


Matt Roche, 8 minutes, 2019

One Sunday, Theo, who finds his family’s weekly church attendance to be an absolute bore-fest makes a brave decision that puts him at odds with the Son of God. Will Theo confess or will he hold fast, and risk dire…

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