Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Category

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Under Open Skies

Ben Jones, 12 minutes, 2014

A nostalgic look at handball alleys, Under Open Skies recalls the history of these institutions of social life in Ireland, with the memories of old players bringing back to the public this traditional sport.

Under the Clock

Colm Nicell, 76 minutes, 2018

This documentary (from the makers of Older than Ireland) celebrates the century-long tradition, firmly embedded in the hearts and minds of Dubliners, of meeting under Clery’s clock. This once-popular meeting place provides a starting point for a fascinating journey through…

Under the Hood

Mark Byrne , Rob Dennis, 75 minutes, 2013

Under the Hood explores life inside Belarus, the former Soviet republic where the battle for democracy, social justice and civil rights has yet to be won. The film is constructed through the voices of ordinary Belarusians and through the mundane…

Undressing My Mother

Ken Wardrop, 6 minutes, 2004

An intimate exploration of a woman’s relationship with her body, Undressing My Mother offers the tender portrayal of the director’s mother in a documentary that is as much interested in revealing the mental as the physical. Both her body and…

The United Irishmen

Alan Gilsenan, 100 minutes, 2023

The names of the United Irishmen – Theobald Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmet, William Drennan, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, and Mary Ann McCracken – have become the stuff of legend, but the reality of what they achieved is often forgotten. In their…

Unquiet Graves

Seán Murray, 75 minutes, 2018

Unquiet Graves: The Story of the Glenanne Gang details how members of the RUC and UDR (a British Army regiment) were centrally involved in the murder of over 120 innocent civilians during the recent conflict in Ireland. It reveals how…

Untold Secrets

Teresa Lavina, 84 minutes, 2021

Untold Secrets voices the experiences of survivors of Ireland's Mother & Baby Homes, and focuses on the life and upbringing of one survivor, Anne Silke, who was fostered out of the Bon Secours Mother & Baby Home in Tuam. A…

Up & Away

Jamie Goldrick, 16 minutes, 2020

Up & Away is a short documentary on the 1973 IRA Mountjoy Helicopter Escape, told through the eyes of four men who were in the prison that day.

Useless Dog

Ken Wardrop, 5 minutes, 2004

A sweet tale of an animal named ‘Guiness’ – the titular ‘useless dog’ – who is subject to farmer Trevor Wardrop’s complaints in this documentary short. Wardrop’s narrative proceeds over images of what he claims are Guiness’s cowardly, narcoleptic characteristics.…

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