Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Category

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How Harry Became a Tree

Goran Paskaljevic, 99 minutes, 2001

Very much an international production, How Harry Became a Tree has a Serbian director use an Irish cast to tell a Chinese folk tale that comically touches on the legacy of both Irish and Balkan civil wars. Central to the…

How to Defuse a Bomb: The Project Children Story

Des Henderson, 90 minutes, 2016

In 1975 Irish immigrant Denis Mulcahy of the NYPD bomb squad began a scheme offering children from Northern Ireland respite from the Troubles. Project Children ultimately brought more than 20,000 Catholic and Protestant children to suburban USA for summer-long visits…


Steve McQueen, 96 minutes, 2008

Turner prize-winning artist Steve McQueen made a shattering entry into feature film-making with this vivid, contentious yet ultimately compassionate study of Bobby Sands’ 1981 hunger strike at the Maze prison. Extensively researched, and co-written by noted Irish playwright Enda Walsh,…


Margo Harkin, 72 minutes, 1990

Margo Harkin’s feature debut takes a political stance in its depiction of the dilemma faced by a Derry teenager when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Set in 1984, against the backdrop of sustained violence in Northern Ireland and a failed…

I am Not a Serial Killer

Billy O'Brien, 98 minutes, 2016

When a series of mysterious murders happen in Clayton, a small mid-west town, John Wayne Cleaver, a 16 year old obsessed with serial killers, is suspicious. Fearing he might become a serial killer himself, John makes a list of rules…


Piotr Domalewski, 96 minutes, 2020

This film closes at the IFI on Thursday, August 5th. In Polish director Piotr Domalewski’s follow-up to his multi-award winning debut Silent Night, 17-year-old Ola (Zofia Stafiej) is desperately studying to finally pass her driving test when the family receives…

I Used to Live Here

Frank Berry, 80 minutes, 2014

Amy (Jordanne Jones) is a 13-year-old living in Tallaght and has had to take on much of the responsibility for running the family home after the death of her mother. She is devoted to her father, Raymond (James Kelly), but…

I Went Down

Paddy Breathnach, 107 minutes, 1997

Made with an indie spirit synonymous with much of 1990s crime cinema, I Went Down is a stylish effort that sees two talentless criminals sent from Dublin to fetch a gangland leader in Cork. The trouble begins when Git (Peter…

The Image You Missed

Donal Foreman, 73 minutes, 2018

The complexities of a father/son relationship are explored in this documentary from Irish director Donal Foreman. Foreman, a passionate cinephile and keen filmmaker since childhood, grapples with the legacy of his estranged father, the late documentarian, Arthur MacCaig, whose decades-long…

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