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Lady Black Eyes

Niamh Heery, 14 minutes, 2019

Nora and Devon live in a bubble of electronic music, dance and intense young love in a tiny flat in Dublin city until they set out to confront someone from Nora’s childhood. Once there, Nora comes to the realisation of…

Lady Isobel & the Elf Knight

Cashell Horgan, 14 minutes, 2019

A cautionary tale. If a strange bloke appears at your window in the middle of the night and asks you out on a date, just say no.


Robert Higgins,
Patrick McGivney, 98 minutes, 2022

Following a violent attack on a night out, Cian O’Reilly (Éanna Hardwicke), a promising young Gaelic footballer, sustains a life-changing injury. Cian, a young farmer, had been happy with his lot: working contentedly alongside his father (Lorcan Cranitch) on the…


Colin Gregg, 110 minutes, 1985

Michael Lamb (Liam Neeson) is an idealistic young Brother in a west of Ireland reformatory, ill at ease with the brutal regime under which the young inmates live. The recent death of his father and his growing anger at the…

The Last Bus Home

Johnny Gogan, 93 minutes, 1997

Set during Pope John Paul II’s historic visit to Ireland in 1979 The Last Bus Home tells the story of a bunch of Dublin youths brought together through their shared rejection of the religious celebrations.  Punk and aspiring entrepreneur Reena…

The Last Days of Peter Bergmann

Ciaran Cassidy, 19 minutes, 2013

A documentary short that is part police reconstruction, Last Days recounts one man’s mysterious death in this unlikely true story. Using the alias Peter Bergmann, the man went to considerable  lengths to maintain his anonymity, arriving as a stranger and…

The Last Elk

Alan Shannon, 6 minutes, 1998

Set more than ten thousand years in the past, this animation imagines animal life in an ancient world. Elk dance across the screen, bounding through unspoiled lands and battling both the elements and one another. Music transforms the animals’ movements…

The Last of the High Kings

David Keating, 95 minutes, 1996

A feel-good coming-of-age film based on the popular novel by Ferdia Mac Anna set in 1977 Dublin, The Last of the High Kings casts a young Jared Leto as a Dublin teenager. Leto plays Frankie Griffin, a rock ‘n’ roll…

The Last Organist

Paddy McConnell, 6 minutes, 2019

93-year-old organist George takes us though his love of music and his move from Belgium to Ireland almost 60 years ago.

The Last Right

Aoife Crehan, 106 minutes, 2019

A comedy-drama road movie telling the story of a man bringing the body of someone he barely knows for burial with his family. His good intentions are motivated by trying to patch up his relationship with his own brother. However,…

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