Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Search


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IFI International: September 2017

13th, 14th, 17th, 21st September // Semana de Irlanda de Zaragoza // Eden, His and Hers, Newsreel Programme, 1916: The Irish Rebellion // Zaragoza, Spain 21st - 23rd September // Irish Film Festival, San Francisco // A Date for Mad…

IFI International: September 2018

14th to 23rd September // Irish Culture Foundation / Fundacja Kultury Irlandzkiej // In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America, After 16 short films: The Party, My Life for Ireland, Goodbye Darling, A Father's Letter, Granite and Chalk,…

IFI International: September 2019

7 September // Czech Film Archive // Come on Over ciné-concert with musical accompaniment by pianist Elaine Loebenstein // Ponrepo Cinema // Prague, Czech Republic // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland, Prague 9 September // Hungarian National…

IFI International: September 2020

6 September // LGBT Film Festival Poland launch event // Queen of Ireland // Warsaw, Poland // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland, Warsaw 12 September // Gasra na Gaeilge and The Adelaide Irish Club presents Cinema Gaelach…

IFI International: September 2021

1-4 September // EFACIS [the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies] EFACIS Conference 2021: Interfaces and Dialogues // Tomorrow is Saturday, Henry Glassie: Field Work, The Great Book of Ireland. Guests confirmed as panellists: Gillian Marsh (Tomorrow…

IFI International: September 2022

25 August - 16 October // Irish Film Festival Australia // Steps of Freedom: The Story of Irish Dance, Love Yourself Today, You Are Not My Mother, Into the West, Young Plato, Let the Wrong One In, An Cailín Ciúin…

IFI International: September 2023

13-28 September 2023 // British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg // A Greyhound of a Girl, The Miracle Club, Ballywalter, Sunlight, The Eternal Daughter, Breaking Out, The Ghost of Richard Harris, An Irish Goodbye, Movers and Shapers, Nothing to Declare…

IFI International: September 2024

16-21 September // British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg - 15th edition // Kneecap, In the Land of Saints and Sinners, The Banshees of Inisherin, Puffin Rock and the New Friends, Blurred Lines + Q&A with director and actor Mark…


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The Image You Missed

Donal Foreman, 73 minutes, 2018

The complexities of a father/son relationship are explored in this documentary from Irish director Donal Foreman. Foreman, a passionate cinephile and keen filmmaker since childhood, grapples with the legacy of his estranged father, the late documentarian, Arthur MacCaig, whose decades-long…

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by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland