Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Search


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IFI International: May 2021

6-8 May // EU Film Festival Malawi // The Camino Voyage [7th May] // Lilongwe, Malawi // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland, Lilongwe, and the EU Ambassador 21-23 May // Fundación Iguales en colaboración con Centro Arte…

IFI International: May 2022

3-15 May // Festival Eurocine // Foscadh [Shelter], Doineann [Storm], Breaking Out // Bogotá [Cinemateca de Bogotá, Cinemanía], Cali [Cinemateca La Tertulia], Medellín [Procinal Las Americas, Colombo Americano], Manizales [Teatro Fundadores], Colombia 5 May // London Irish Centre // The…

IFI International: May 2023

2-10 May // European Film Festival // Wolfwalkers // Centro Cultural Franco-Moçambicano [CCFM], Maputo, Mozambique // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland, Maputo 4-14 May // Festival Eurocine Colombia // The Cry of Granuaile // Cinema Fundadores Manizales;…

IFI International: May 2024

3 May // Ciné Gael Montréal // Young Plato // J.A. DeSève Cinema, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada 16-26 May // European Union Film Festival Bangkok // Sunlight // House Samyan, Bangkok, Thailand // Presented in association with the Embassy of…

IFI International: November 2017

3rd – 4th November // IrishFest Atlanta // Atlanta, USA 4th November // How Green is the Emerald Isle? // University of St Thomas in Minnesota, Center for Irish Studies // Atlantic // Minnesota, USA 8th – 9th November // Bram…

IFI International: November 2018

2nd to 3rd November // Copenhagen Irish Festival // Natural Grace, The Yellow Bittern // Copenhagen, Denmark // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland, Copenhagen 5th, 7th and 11th November // Irish Film Festival, Nova Southeastern University //…

IFI International: November 2019

2 November // Irish Screen America // Float Like a Butterfly + Q&A with director Carmel Winters // Ahrya Fine Arts by Laemmle // Los Angeles, USA 6-10 November // Noordelijk Film Festival // The Dig // Leeuwarden,  The Netherlands…

IFI International: November 2020

8 November // European Arthouse Cinema Day // A Bump Along the Way // Spazju Kreattiv Cultural Centre // Valletta, Malta // Presented by the Embassy of Ireland, Valletta 19-29 November [Online + Rescheduled from 13-17 May] // Irish Film…

IFI International: November 2021

1-30 November // Encuentro de Cine Europeo Argentina // The Silver Branch // Buenos Aires, Argentina // Presented in association with the Embassy of Ireland Buenos Aires 4 November // Outdoor Cultural screening of The Silver Branch // Santiago de…

IFI International: November 2022

4-12 November // Seville European Film Festival // Hole in the Head + Q&A with director Dean Kavanagh // mk2 Cinesur Nervión Plaza, Seville, Spain 13-25 November // European Film Festival Jordan // Here Before // Amman, Jordan // Presented…

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by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland