Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Search


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EU Film Festival – Singapore

May 14th - 25th What Richard Did will close the EU Film Festival on May 25th in Singapore. 

EU Film Festival – Uruguay

May 2nd - 9th His and Hers will screen in Montevideo in Uruguay as part of the annual European Film Festival. 

EU Film Festival – Valetta, Malta

November 15th - 30th The European Commission Representation in the capital, Valletta, present Run and Jump as the Irish film in the European Film Festival.

EU Film Festival – Vietnam

May 16th Neil Jordan's Ondine is this year's Irish film at the EU Film Festival in Vietnam, with 14 cultural institutes showing films from 14 countries, screening in the National Cinema Center in Hanoi & BHD cinema in Ho Chi…

EU Film Festival, China

Opening ceremony and screening on November 1st Annual EU Film Festival held in Beijing and travels to three other cities. This year’s film is Pilgrim Hill and director Gerard Barrett will be in attendance.

EU Film Festival, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

November Annual EU Film Festival held in two cultural centres in Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, the Alliance Francaise and Nafasi Art Space. This year’s Irish film is Kings.

EU Film Festival, Ethiopia

June 1st - 12th The Secret of Kells is the 2014 Irish film in the annual EU Film Festival in Ethiopia, screening in Addis Ababa, Mekelle Adama and DireDawa.

EU Film Festival, Jeddah and Riyadh

April 20th - 30th Once will screen in both Jeddah and Riyadh in Suadi Arabia as part of the 8th EU Film Festival.

EU Film Festival, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver

November The fourth annual EU Film festival in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. This year’s Irish title is Natural Grace.  Ottawa – November 26th Toronto – November 27th Vancouver – December 1st  

EU Film Festival, Vitebsk

late April Screening of 'Green Fields of France' to mark Europe Day, in the annual EU Film Festival. This year's theme is “Events That Shaped Europe: On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Beginning of WWI”.

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Arts Council of Ireland