Irish Film Institute -FAQs


Answers to some frequently asked questions about IFI International.

What service does IFI International provide?

IFI service includes:

  • Expert programme advice on Irish film sourced through IFI Irish Film Archive and elsewhere
  • Assistance with rights clearance and obtaining screening permission
  • Provision of screening formats, scripts, and other support materials
  • Liaison with filmmakers
  • Provision, where possible, of modest financial support – primarily for partner festivals
  • An online screening platform for partner festivals; further information available at
  • Who may avail of IFI’s service?

    This service is offered to international cultural exhibitors for cultural screenings. A cultural exhibitor is one operating in a non-commercial capacity. Cultural screenings are conducted on a not-for-profit basis. These may include: film institutes and cinémathèques; international film festivals; festivals of Irish film; Irish embassies; EU film festivals; Irish cultural groups; universities; film societies and other special interest groups. Please note that we handle festivals and one-off screenings, and do not service non-theatrical regular events such as film clubs.

    What films are available?

    IFI facilitates access to films held in the IFI Irish Film Archive and to Irish films held by other agencies – such as producers and distributors in Ireland and elsewhere.  Films include new and older feature films, documentaries and short films made in or about Ireland. Information on available titles can be viewed at our Film Directory here. Other titles may also be sourced upon request. Please complete our screening request form and we will begin the clearance process.

    What screening formats are films available on?

    DCP is the industry-wide standard format for exhibition, and is usually delivered digitally direct to venues. Where available IFI can provide films for exhibition on DCP and 35mm. Other digital formats in H264 may be provided subject to clearance with rightsholders. Disc formats [Blu-ray and DVD] may be provided in certain circumstances, although these formats are becoming increasingly obsolete. Formats may be sourced externally to meet exhibitor needs. Please note that not all titles are available on all formats, and the screening format may be stipulated by the rightsholder.

    What publicity materials are available?

    IFI can provide images and synopses for publicity purposes where available. These are only provided once screening permission has been secured.

    How do I secure permission to screen?

    Generally it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to secure permission to screen a film for their event. However, IFI can assist with this process when required.

    • IFI will provide up-to-date contact details for rightsholders (i.e. the film’s sales agent, distributor, or producer), subject to GDPR compliance.
    • The Exhibitor will approach rightsholder; provide details of their event including dates of proposed screening(s); venue address; venue capacity, screening format required; ticket price; and request permission to screen.
    • Exhibitors will highlight the cultural, non-commercial nature of their event.
    • Rightsholder will authorise screening and provide details of screening fees.
    • IFI will not release material from the IFI Irish Film Archive or dispatch material from other sources until written permission to screen has been secured and forwarded to IFI.
    • Exhibitors may not publicise any IFI screening before permission to screen has been secured from relevant rightsholders.

    How long does this process take?

    This process may take up to ten weeks or longer. IFI operates a schedule 4-6 months in advance of events. Exhibitors are advised to plan well in advance to allow IFI to ensure films are available following receipt of written permission and to ensure they meet printed programme deadlines.

    What costs are involved? How can IFI assist?

    IFI does not charge for its services, including technical and logistical support; generation and provision of screening and marketing materials, etc. IFI may at its discretion contribute towards direct costs associated with:

    • Screening fees and/or royalties which may be levied by producers, sales agents or distributors
    • Print transport costs

    Other associated costs (for which IFI does not provide financial support) include: venue hire, translation (of dialogue and other materials), subtitling, publicity and marketing, guest travel.

    Are films available with subtitles?

    Generally most of the films that we handle do not carry subtitles, except where the film is originally in the Irish language and has been subtitled in English. Where a film has been commercially distributed in a particular territory it may be possible to source a subtitled print locally. New films which are on the festival circuit prior to general release will not be subtitled.

    How can IFI assist with translation?

    Where possible, IFI will make dialogue lists and reference screeners available to facilitate translation.

    What other financial assistance is available to cultural exhibitors of Irish film?

    Culture Ireland is the state agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide, working under the aegis of the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. For more information on available supports and application processes please visit:

    What logos and credits are exhibitors obliged to include on promotional materials?

    Exhibitors in receipt of IFI support – whether financial, administrative, or otherwise – must carry the following logos on all marketing, advertising, screening notes, printed matter, online and onscreen idents relating to the screening: 

    • Irish Film Institute
    • Culture Ireland
    • Arts Council Ireland

    IFI will provide logos to exhibitors upon request. Exhibitors must also provide a link to the IFI website on their own website. IFI can provide advice on the strategic promotion of Irish films in international contexts. (please contact Eleanor Melinn)

    What cultural festivals does IFI International partner with?

    The following list is not exhaustive. See Events for a full listing of the festivals and events that IFI International supported this year, and the films that screened.

    Month Festival Location
    February Chicago Irish Film Festival Chicago, USA
    Capital Irish Film Festival Silver Spring, Washington, USA
    Belgrade Irish Festival Belgrade, Serbia
    Irish Film Festival Boston Boston, USA
    British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg
    March SF Irish Documentary Festival San Francisco, USA
    Scéal Eile Film Festival Brussels, Belgium
    April Ottawa Irish Film Festival Ottawa, Canada
    May Irish Film Festa Rome Rome, Italy
    September San Francisco Irish Film Festival San Francisco, USA
    British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg
    October The Irish Festival of Oulu Oulu, Finland
    Irish Film Festival Australia Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Australia
    Irish Festival of Fribourg Fribourg, Switzerland
    November Irish Film Festival London London, UK


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The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland