Three new films release from Friday June 8th 2018 at the Irish Film Institute.
Documentary McQueen about the famed British fashion designer, All the Wild Horses is another documentary which tells the incredible story of the Mongol Derby, a dangerous 1000 km race and Pandora’s Box is a classic starring the great Louise Brooks.
Read on for a selection of reviews or why not pop into the IFI to make up your own mind!
MCQUEEN “[A] well-crafted biographical documentary” 4/5 – Irish Times
“It’s an extraordinary story, and is brilliantly told with the help of friends, family and colleagues in Ian Bonhote and Peter Ettedgui’s superb documentary McQueen” 5/5 – Irish Independent
“[A] sombre, thorough, intelligent and informative documentary” 4/5 – Guardian
“Supremely elegant and engrossing…” Variety
“We are left at the end with a need to know more, and a wish to do so, which may be one way of saying this documentary has done its job” Financial Times
ALL THE WILD HORSES “This is one of those uncomplicated documentaries on a fascinating subject that could generate a cult” 4/5 – Irish Times
“Marloh’s film pleasingly dramatises the 2012 Derby” 4/5 – Irish Independent
“Dehydration, sunstroke, broken collar bones, punctured lung, fractured pelvis, fractured neck ligaments, blurred vision – all human pain is here and there is a nervy air” 4/5 – RTE
“You can’t help but warm to the competitors’ gumption, ambition and a bravery that often comes close to foolhardiness” Independent
PANDORA’S BOX “There is something hypnotically unbridled about Brooks’s performance” 5/5 – Irish Times
“It’s extravagantly sexual and mad, and Lulu is herself as Scott Fitzgerald might have described her: beautiful and damned” 5/5 – Guardian
“a tour de force of cinematic eroticism” New York Times
“There would never be another Lulu — nor will there ever be” Village Voice
“This synopsis could apply equally to a great or a laughable film. Brooks makes it a great one” 4/4 – Roger Ebert
I’M STILL HERE 15:10, 20:30
MICKEY 17 15:10, 20:20
SISTER MIDNIGHT 15:40, 20:55
THE IRISH QUESTION 13:00, 18:10 (Q&A)
The IFI is supported by The Arts Council
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