This film screened on Thursday 20th June 2019.
This film is F-rated.
Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence capabilities are becoming ubiquitous; they work on reception desks, in shopping malls and restaurants, and we are allowing this new species access to our private lives. In California, Chuck, a lonely middle-aged bachelor, goes on a road trip with Harmony, his new robot companion. In Tokyo, Grandma Sakurai is introduced to Pepper, a gift from her son to keep her company, but the robot finds little of interest in the old lady’s conversation. While Harmony and Chuck are searching for love, and Pepper and Grandma are killing time, pressing questions arise: how will robots and artificial intelligence change our lives? What will be lost and gained? Will robots ultimately be our servants, companions or a new ruling class?
Notes by David O’Mahony
Screening as part of Dark Skies: Man Vs Machine, June 8th to 30th. A multi-film pass is available directly from the IFI Box Office – 4 films for €37, excluding Terminator 2: Judgment Day (70mm).