The folks at the Irish Museum of Modern Art have kindly given us 5 catalogues (worth €12 each) to go with their current exhibition, Cloud Illusions I Recall, and we’d like to give IFI Members an exclusive chance to win one!
The exhibition, which runs until August 25th, explores the relationship between visual art and cinema by inviting artists Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Cerith Wyn Evans to exhibit their work and explore concepts of the poetic and imagination that together make up the cinematic experience, thereby investigating the relationships and influence of film.
For your chance to win one of these catalogues, simply enter your name and email below before midnight Sunday, July 21st! We’ll announce the 5 winners in next week’s ezine.
Image above: Untitled piece by Peter Doig, portraying Liz Taylor as ‘Maggie the Cat’ in the 1958 film adaptation of Tennessee William’s play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, created for the exhibition Cloud Illusions I Recall.
Competition closes at 12am midnight on Sunday, July 21st 2013. The winner will be contacted by email. (See IFI Terms and Conditions regarding prizes and competitions.)
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by The Arts Council