THE BIGGER PICTURE: ROGER AND ME Director: MICHAEL MOORE 99 mins, U.S., 1989, Digital Film Book cinema tickets This film screened 9th May 2016. Our monthly programme strand in which a key film is presented in the context of a notional film canon. Oscar winner, left-wing activist, writer and filmmaker Michael Moore has contributed to the evolution of the documentary form through his scabrous attacks on various cornerstones of American life such as health, foreign policy, and gun control, and has changed the way the documentary is perceived, from old-style TV fodder to mainstream cinema fare. In this his first film, he takes on General Motors, the backbone-of-America company which deserted his hometown of Flint and 35,000 workers, for cheaper conditions south of the border. (Notes by Alicia McGivern.) Donald Taylor Black, filmmaker and Creative Director of The National Film School will present the film. Director: MICHAEL MOORE 99 mins, U.S., 1989, Digital Film