The Collections:
The film and video collections in the Irish Film Archive include fiction and non-fiction material made in and about Ireland by Irish and foreign producers. The collection has been acquired from public and private donors. The earliest titles in the collection date from 1897, the most recent from 2011. The collection includes feature films; documentaries; amateur material; animated material; educational films; travelogues. It provides an increasingly comprehensive resource for students of all aspects of Irish cinema.
The collection is accessed on-site only. There is no lending facility.
Tape/DVD Viewing:
On-site access to this collection is provided for students, programme makers and other members of the public.
Viewing facilities are only suitable for individual viewers.
Some third level colleges subsidise student viewing. Please ask whether your college is one of these. For all other viewers, charges for use of the viewing facility are calculated as follows:
Per title or per hour: €10.00
Per half day: €20.00 (€35 for a full day viewing)
Per week: €120
A subscription to the Irish Film Archive library offers a discount on Archive viewing. Please contact the Archive for information about these rates.
Use of viewing facility is by appointment only. Bookings should be made with Irish Film Archive staff by phone or email at least 48 hours in advance. Archive staff must be informed if a booking is for more than one viewer (please note we can facilitate a MAXIMUM of two viewers at any one time). Archive staff must be informed of any cancellations at least 24 hours in advance of appointment.
To make an appointment contact: / Ph: 01 679 57444
Monday – Friday 10.15am to 1pm & 2.15pm to 5.30pm.
Public access to the Tiernan MacBride Library
Accessing the Archive’s Paper Collections
The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council