Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Film Listing

The Cry of Granuaile

    • Director

      Dónal Foreman

    • Credits

      Liam Beatty,
      Dónal Foreman,
      Edwina Forkin.

      Diana Vidrascu

    • Principal Cast

      Dale Dickey,
      Judith Roddy,
      Andrew Bennett.

  • Category


A grieving American filmmaker (Dale Dickey) and her Irish assistant (Judith Roddy) tour the west of Ireland, researching a film about Granuaile, the legendary 16th century rebel and ‘pirate queen’. The women develop an uneasy intimacy as they journey towards a remote Atlantic island, where boundaries begin to blur between past and present, myth and history, dream and reality, presenting a wide-eyed American beguiled by Ireland. Filmed on granular 16mm with a swoony orchestral score, the film is playful but assured in its homage to an earlier cinema aesthetic while the film’s locations provide a majestic backdrop to the action.

The Cry of Granuaile is the first feature funded through the Arts Council’s Authored Works initiative.

Notes by Sunniva O'Flynn

82 minutes, Ireland, 2022, Colour

The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland