This online form is for submission of Irish feature documentaries – i.e. non-fiction films documenting reality which are longer than 60 minutes. Note: Short documentaries (20 mins or less) can be submitted through FilmFreeway here.
Submissions must be made by 18.00 on Friday, July 5th 2024. Please read the submission terms and conditions outlined below.
· Films must be submitted online by 18.00 on Friday, July 5th 2024.
· No entry fee applies.
· Preference will be given to films which are Irish premieres.
· Submitted films must be defined as Irish within at least one of the following categories: Made by Irish-born, Irish citizen, or current Irish resident / Produced by Irish-based production company/ Content located primarily in Ireland with subject matter which is wholly, significantly, or primarily Irish-themed.
· Films that are publicly available online or have been broadcast on Irish television or on a channel available to Irish television audiences should not be entered and will not be considered.
· Films that have been submitted for previous IFI Documentary Festivals will not be considered unless they have been altered substantially since last submission.
· Films must have been completed no more than 24 months before submission date. In exceptional circumstances feature films may be submitted as rough cuts but only where producers can guarantee completion date of September 2nd 2024.
· Feature films will be no shorter than 60 minutes
· IFI will notify successful applicants of their selection by 14th August 2024.
· Films will be selected by a team of experienced IFI programmers. Their decisions on selection will be final, and they will not enter correspondence in this regard.
Successful applicants will generally be represented by The Producer unless otherwise advised.
The Producer will:
· Deliver films for exhibition on DCP compliant with IFI tech specs.
· Deliver exhibition copies to the IFI no later than Friday August 30th 2024 and will agree to meet all other festival deadlines as stipulated by IFI.
· Provide exhibition copies of Irish language or foreign language films with English subtitles.
· Confirm that they are legally entitled to authorise screening of their film at IFI Documentary Festival and there are no legal obstacles or litigation preventing them from doing so.
· Will keep IFI appraised of all screenings (national and international) scheduled for their film before IFI Documentary Festival and will endeavour to ensure that no screenings will take place in Dublin before the 25th September 2024 either in a theatrical setting or other commercial outlet (including DVD, internet streaming, VOD or television). Successful applicants agree to notify IFI immediately if this status changes at any point prior to the Festival screening.
· Publicity: IFI reserves the right to use extracts of up to 2 minutes from submissions for festival publicity and marketing purposes including but not limited to exhibition on the IFI website, and to provide preview links for purposes of press coverage and publicity.
· Screening Copies: IFI will test all incoming materials and deem them fit for exhibition. Where IFI deems submitted material technically unfit for exhibition, the producer will provide suitable alternative promptly and at no cost to IFI. Where IFI deems material fit for exhibition, IFI will proceed with screening of this material and is not obliged to accommodate substitutions. IFI accepts no obligation to provide cinema preview facilities for test screenings.
· Scheduling of films: time, date and screen allocation will be at the sole discretion of the IFI Documentary Festival.
· Awards: IFI Documentary Festival will coordinate a Best Irish Short award.
By submitting to our festival, we will utilise any personal data that you submit to us as part of the details of your submission, to evaluate your submission for the purposes of the festival.
We will use your data as part of our internal surveys to assess the number of submissions for the festival and where submissions came from and from what category.
You are in control of your data and should you wish to delete your data, you may request us to do this at anytime.
To withdraw consent to use your data and delete it from our systems, please email us with your request.
Data Consent
By submitting to our festival you are giving us consent to utilise your data in the ways listed above.
It is impossible for our festival to manage your submission and your involvement in our festival without using your data.
If you do not consent to this and would like us to delete your data entirely after the festival, please contact us. By making a submission to our festival you are giving your consent for us to use your data.
A REAL PAIN 13:10, 16:30, 20:45
MARIA 13.00, 18.00 (OC)
WE LIVE IN TIME 14.10, 18.30
The IFI is supported by The Arts Council
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