TO THE MOON Director: Tadhg O’Sullivan 76 mins, Ireland, 2020, Digital Book cinema tickets In line with government guidelines, all patrons must show proof of vaccination upon entering the cinema screen. A vast compendium of moony sequences combine to create this cinematic ode to the moon. Drawing on a wealth of international cinematic archive (including sequences from our own IFI Irish Film Archive) Tadhg O’Sullivan, director and editor extraordinaire, deftly interweaves the old with new original cinematography filmed across five continents, and with literary fragments and a transportive score by Linda Buckley, Amanda Feery and Peter Broderick. Structured as a lunar cycle and deftly alluding to tales of moonlit derring-do, of madness, love and loss, To The Moon is full of constant surprises and delights, stepping lightly through the ages and ideas that people have drawn from the moon to meditate on the fragile and fleeting nature of humanity. Director: Tadhg O’Sullivan 76 mins, Ireland, 2020, Digital