THE GREEN PRINCE Director: NADAV SCHIRMAN 95 minutes, Germany-U.S.A.-U.K.-Israel, 2014, Colour, D-Cinema Book cinema tickets Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of a prominent Palestinian leader from Ramallah, bought up in an atmosphere where Hamas is regarded as the family business and any contact with Israelis is treated with suspicion. Arrested at the age of 17, Yousef is interrogated by the Shin Bet, Israel’s security service. It’s at this time he first comes into contact with Gonen Ben Yitzhak, who attempts to convince him to spy for Israel. Torn between familial and cultural allegiance and his own moral convictions, Yousef starts to pass information to Israel through his handler, Gonen. A curious bond grows between the two men. Based on Yousef’s bestselling memoir, Son of Hamas, Nadav Schirman’s superb, timely documentary is a tension-filled film that broods on notions of loyalty, betrayal and the shifting nature of right and wrong. Yousef is a fascinating figure at the centre of the film, recounting his story with sincere clarity. (Notes by Michael Hayden.) Don’t forget we now schedule weekly. Director: NADAV SCHIRMAN 95 minutes, Germany-U.S.A.-U.K.-Israel, 2014, Colour, D-Cinema