QUACKSER FORTUNE HAS A COUSIN IN THE BRONX Director: WARRIS HUSSEIN U.S.A. COLOUR 1970 90 MINS Book cinema tickets FOR ALL THOSE WHO COULDN’T GET TICKETS TO LAST YEAR’S SOLD OUT SCREENING, HERE IS ANOTHER CHANCE TO SEE THIS OFF BEAT COMEDY. A year before he found world-wide fame as Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder braves an Irish accent to play the beleaguered horse manure collector, Quackser Fortune. Quackser falls for Zazel (Margot Kidder), an upper-class American studying in Trinity College. Despite their mutual fascination with each other, the mismatched pair quickly realise the romantic limitations caused by their differences. It all culminates in a hilariously uncomfortable scene at the Trinity Boat Club, when Zazel introduces Quackser to her well-to-do friends, with disastrous and hysterical results. In addition to Wilder’s eccentric turn, Eileen Colgan provides a great performance as the blowsy Betsey Bourke, who Quackser regularly calls into for a spot of sex and tea. Shot on location in Dublin the film serves as a vivid snapshot of Dublin in late ’60s, with scenes in Trinity College, ‘Gravediggers’ pub, Kavanagh’s in Prospect Square and the gate of Glasnevin cemetery. Director: WARRIS HUSSEIN U.S.A. COLOUR 1970 90 MINS