WILLIAM KLEIN: MESSIAH Director: WILLIAM KLEIN 135 minutes, U.S.A., 1999, 35mm Book cinema tickets Klein visually interprets Handel’s Messiah – with its tale of Christ’s birth, crucifixion, and ascension – as performed by numerous international choruses including the Dallas Police Choir, the Sugarland Prison choir, a drug rehab choir in Harlem and the Lavender Light Gay and Lesbian Interracial Choir. Klein’s impressionistic visualisation takes the viewer (and listener) all over the world and includes female boxers at the Taj Mahal Las Vegas; Promise Keepers in Detroit’s Superdome; a Paris Christmas party for the homeless; wealthy arts patrons attired for Houston’s annual Hair Ball; and a Danish woman in a Bastille tattoo parlour having her belly covered in religious scenes. (Film notes by James Armstrong.) Tickets €7. This film is part of a focus on the work of William Klein (February 14th – 20th) with the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival. There will also be two Reel Art screenings at the IFI on February 18th and 19th (bookings only through JDIFF on 01 687 7974 or visit www.jdiff.com). (Note: free list suspended.) Director: WILLIAM KLEIN 135 minutes, U.S.A., 1999, 35mm