Irish Film Institute -MELANCHOLIA


Director: Lars Von Trier

135 mins, 2011, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Digital

The end of the world is nigh as arch provocateur Lars Von Trier employs a planetary apocalypse to explore the crippling nature of psychological trauma. Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) are having their wedding reception at a castle owned by her brother-in-law, John (Kiefer Sutherland), and sister, Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg); plagued by recurrent periods of depression, Justine retreats from the raucous celebrations as a black mood descends. Concurrently, Earth is threatened by an imminent collision with a rogue planet, named Melancholia, whose presence in the sky becomes increasingly ominous as the film moves towards its spectacular finale. A master of image and tone, Von Trier shifts gear from the comedy of manners of the wedding to create one of his most gut-wrenching portraits of human frailty.   

Notes by David O’Mahony

Screening as part of Lars von Trier: Enduring Provocations. Multi-film pass available.

Book Tickets

Thursday 7th
