Irish Film Institute -It Rains on Our Love

It Rains on Our Love

It Rains on Our Love contains some of the quaint, amiable elements already distinguishable in Crisis. The influence of the French romantic realists is strong, and moments of frivolity are interspersed with scenes of gloom and near tragedy. The use of a narratoroan old man carrying a possibly symbolic umbrellaosoftens the anguish of the young lovers at the centre of the story. Maggi and David meet in a train at Stockholm Central station. Both are miserable: she (unknown to him) is pregnant, and he has just been released from prison. They decide to face the future together, but the church refuses to marry the couple and Maggie loses her child. They set up house in a tiny cottage and eventually, after assaulting a persistent eviction officer, the pair are brought to court and acquitted thanks to the efforts of a lawyeronone other than the narrator. The lesson of It Rains on Our Love is that life is a sorry mess, and the best method of dealing with its vicissitudes is to adopt a hedonistic outlook and shrug off the cares of the world with a defiant laugh. 1946.
English subtitles.
Black and white.
95 mins.

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