Irish Film Institute -Gaea Girls

Gaea Girls

Sisters have been doing it for themselves for a while now, excelling inpreviously traditional male pursuits from football to kung fu; here they show the WWF wrestling boys how it’s really done. This new film from Jano Williams and Kim Longinotto (whose previous work Divorce Iranian Style played the 1998 Festival) looks at the hugely popular sport of female wrestling in Japan. Focussing on the beleaguered Gaea Japan group, which after some set backs in the ring is holding onto its reputation by a thread, Williams and Longinotto examine the hopes and fears of the members of the group: there’s the tough but fair trainer, the veteran who needs to reclaim respect in the ring, and the newcomer who’s desperate to make good. This is sport at a personal level; these women are earning respect and self-fulfilment fight by fight.

Directors, Jano Williams, Kim Longinotto
UK, 2000

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