Irish Film Institute -FELLINI: LA DOLCE VITA


Director: Federico Fellini

175 mins, Italy-France, 1960, Digital, Subtitled, Black & White

One of the peaks of Fellini’s career, and one of the most esteemed films ever made, La Dolce Vita follows episodes in the life of gossip columnist Marcello (Marcello Mastroianni). Fellini paints Marcello’s world as one of hedonistic excess. Even as his fiancée Emma (Yvonne Furneaux) attempts suicide, he remains committed to his lifestyle, wandering from one party to the next, and from one woman to another, while his desire for a more serious literary career fades under the glare of the lights. Filled with iconic moments, most unforgettably Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg wading in the Trevi Fountain, and the origin of the term ‘paparazzo’ for celebrity photographers, this endures as an astonishingly rich and often breathtakingly beautiful film.  

Screening as part of the Federico Fellini retrospective, April 4th to 30th.

Book Tickets

Wednesday 3rd
