Irish Film Institute -FALLOUT: BAREFOOT GEN


Director: Mori Masaki

86 mins, Japan, 1983, Blu-ray, Subtitled

Keiji Nakazawa was six years old when he lost most of his family in the attack on Hiroshima. His adult work as a writer of manga frequently touched on the subject, finally finding its fullest expression in the ten-volume Barefoot Gen. This has been adapted into numerous other media, including a live-action film trilogy, but Mari Masaki’s anime version has perhaps proved the most enduring. Young Gen Nakoka, the author’s proxy, and his family are struggling through what will be the final days of the war when the bomb drops. Left with his mother and newborn sister after watching the rest of their family die, Gen must navigate a horrific new reality in this compelling animation that laid the groundwork for future, similar films.

Screening as part of the Fallout season. Multi-film passes available from the IFI Box Office: 3 for €30, 5 for €50, and 12 for €100.

Notes by Kevin Coyne.

Book Tickets

Wednesday 12th
