121 mins, France, 2022, Digital, Subtitled

Tickets for this screening are FREE – to book, ring 01 679 3477, email, or come by Box Office.
The true story of Irishwoman Maureen Kearney (Isabelle Huppert), the head union rep at a French multinational nuclear energy company, who became a whistle-blower, exposing secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector, is recounted in this gripping drama. Steely in her resolve, yet isolated and vulnerable, Maureen was relentless in her fight against corrupt government ministers and industry leaders, bringing the scandal to light and defending the rights of more than 50,000 European workers. When she is violently assaulted in her own home, Maureen is treated with incredulity by the police, who ultimately accuse her of staging her own rape, forcing her to defend herself at a humiliating trial.
Notes by David O’Mahony
Maureen Kearney will participate in a post-screening Q&A.
The screening is free to attend but ticketed.