Irish Film Institute -IFI FAMILY FESTIVAL 2015: ABOUT


This summer we take you on some rollicking film adventures to an Arctic island, Indian backstreets, a Canadian sports pitch and a very average German town. Step inside the head of Pixar’s Riley in Inside Out, watch New Yorker Mickey and her pals try to save a team of wild horses in Wicklow, and find out just exactly what Esio Trot means. Add to your adventure and learn how to screen print, illustrate a picture book and make your very own film trailer in our workshops. What’s more, during the festival look out for fun activities for all in the IFI foyer and visit our Pop-Up Cinema.

We’re thrilled to welcome RTÉjr’s Clara Murray who will open the Festival, and you can meet her and other guests over the weekend. Your summer adventures start here!

Download the Festival Programme


IFI Family Festival Film Tickets:
All films €5 (includes opening night event)
Family Ticket (film events):
€15.00 (2 adults, 2 children)

Bookings: IFI Box Office 01 679 3477

Please note:
Films which have not been classified by the Irish Film  Classification Office ( are given an age recommendation by the IFI. For more information on any title or our recommendation, please contact us.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the cinema, unless a screening is chaperoned. 

Chaperoned Screening
Children of 9+ can attend a screening unaccompanied if the screening is designated as chaperoned. Parents/Guardians must stay in vicinity of IFI. All IFI Family Festival events operate in accordance with our Child Protection Policy 

Subtitles will be read aloud by an experienced  reader (where indicated).


Join our creative team and further your film experience by getting involved in this year’s exciting workshop programme.
Workshops: €12 – €20
Bookings: 01 612 9445/01 612 9436.
Booking is essential as places are limited.


Tell your friends you’re coming, share your film reviews and show us your pics via #IFIFamilyFest on Twitter and Instagram! Twitter (@IFI_Dub), Facebook (IrishFilmInstitute), Instagram (@IrishFilmInstitute).





The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland