Opening this Friday, March 6th is Still Alice, a deeply affecting drama starring Julianne Moore is her Oscar-winning role. To mark the release of the film, we are delighted to offer a copy of Lisa Genova’s bestselling novel to one lucky winner, courtesy of Curzon Film World / Artificial Eye!



Alice Howard is a linguistics professor at Columbia University, a leading expert in her field. She lives in a plush Manhattan apartment with her surgeon husband John and has three adult children. She is happy, healthy and seems to have landed comfortably in mid life, until she begins to forget things. Alice is soon diagnosed with a rare genetic type of Alzheimer disease, the effects of which are devastating for her and for her family. Adapted from Lisa Genova’s 2007 bestselling novel, Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland’s film is a deeply affecting drama that is centred on Julianne Moore, who is quite brilliant in the lead role.

Supported by a cast that includes Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth and Kristen Stewart, Moore cements her reputation as one of the finest film actors of her generation and is thoroughly deserving of the awards and acclaim her performance here has attracted.

Special screening + panel discussion: Following the 15.45 screening of the film on Saturday, March 7th, IFI and the Alzheimer Society of Ireland will host a panel discussion to explore issues raised by the film, and broaden out to look at the value of film and the arts for both awareness-raising and therapeutic purposes for people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Tickets are on sale now in person at IFI Box Office.  


To mark the release of Still Alice at the IFI, we have a copy of Lisa Genova’s bestselling novel to give away to one lucky winner, courtesy of Curzon Film World / Artificial Eye! To be in with a chance to win, simply answer the question below:

Which Hollywood actress (deservedly!) won her first Oscar for the leading role in Still Alice?

    Meryl StreepJulianne MooreKate Winslet

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    Competition closes at midnight, Sunday, March 8th. The winner will be contacted by email shortly after. (See IFI Terms and Conditions regarding prizes and competitions.) 




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