Irish Film Institute -WILD STRAWBERRIES & BEALTAINE 2015


This month’s Wild Strawberries events tie in with Bealtaine, the annual May Festival which celebrates creativity as we age. For 2015, the Festival theme is inspired by Homer’s Odyssey, in which Odysseus returns to find that he does not recognise his homeland. Bealtaine participants are invited to look at Ireland through new eyes, or to ask, “What land and country is this?”

With this theme in mind, the films selected feature characters who find themselves in new and sometimes strange environments, or where the filmmaker offers a view of Ireland, formed by looking from the outside in.

Wild Strawberries is our film club for over 55s. If you are lucky enough to look younger, please don’t take offence if we ask your age. Join the Wild Strawberries Newsletter and receive monthly invitations to our screenings.


The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland