WILD STRAWBERRIES: HOWARDS END Director: James Ivory 142 mins, UK-Japan-USA, 1992, Digital Book cinema tickets This film screened 23rd & 28th February 2018. Wild Strawberries is our bi-monthly film club for over 55s. The recent TV adaptation of E.M. Forster’s novel won new audiences for this story of class, love, values and hypocrisy. In this 1992 version, Vanessa Redgrave stars as the ailing Ruth Wilcox who leaves her great house to her friend, Margaret Schlegel (Emma Thompson). Ruth’s husband (Anthony Hopkins) and her children have, however, other plans. Margaret and her sister, meanwhile, get entangled irrevocably with the lowly Mr Bast. A sumptuous, impeccably acted, and rewarding drama from Merchant Ivory. Tickets: €4.25 including regular tea/coffee before the event. If you happen to look younger, please don’t take offence if we ask your age. (Notes by Alicia McGivern) Director: James Ivory 142 mins, UK-Japan-USA, 1992, Digital