UNCLE HOWARD Director: AARON BROOKNER 96 MINS, 2016, USA-UK, DIGITAL Book cinema tickets This film was released 16th December 2016, and is no longer screening. EXCLUSIVELY AT IFI Started as a thesis project, Burroughs: The Movie (1983) was the only documentary made about the legendary William S. Burroughs with his approval and participation. Still in his 20s when he shot the film over a five-year period with Jim Jarmusch on sound, Howard Brookner was widely praised for his handling of the unparalleled access he had to his subject and the famous New York bunker where Burroughs lived and worked. This new documentary charts the discovery made by Brookner’s nephew of his uncle’s archive, an invaluable stash of material including the original print of the Burroughs film and outtakes from the extended shoot featuring, among others, Allen Ginsberg, Patti Smith and Andy Warhol. In unearthing this footage, Aaron Brookner assembles a portrait of an incredible, vibrant career tragically cut short when his uncle was diagnosed with AIDS in 1989, midway through the edit of his final film. (Notes by Alice Butler.) Don’t forget we now schedule weekly. Director: AARON BROOKNER 96 MINS, 2016, USA-UK, DIGITAL