A short about Irish women in film by students at Dundalk Institute of Technology (17 mins).
SOAPBOX: PAT MURPHY (14.20 – 14.40)
In a presentation by one of Ireland’s most respected and prolific female film directors, Pat Murphy will reflect on gender and filmmaking practice, and why she has been drawn to stories of women in her drama and documentary work.
IN THE PIPELINE (14.45-15.25)
In this inaugural strand we are delighted that producer Katie Holly and director Ken Wardrop will discuss their forthcoming feature films. Katie will present on the film she produced with renowned US indie director Whit Stillman, Love and Friendship, and Ken will discuss Mom and Me, his much-anticipated follow-up to His and Hers.
ROUND UP (15.30)
Facilitated by Professor Margaret Kelleher.
This session is part of IFI Spotlight 2016.
Afternoon Session Tickets: €5, Full Day Session: €8.
Please contact IFI Box Office for Full Day Tickets: 679 3477