WILD STRAWBERRIES: THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL Director: WES ANDERSON 99 mins, USA-Germany-UK, 2013, Digital Book cinema tickets This film screened 30th March & 1st April 2016. Wild Strawberries is our bi-monthly film club for over 55s. Wes Anderson’s award-winning film recounts the adventures of M. Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes) the owner of the Grand Budapest Hotel, and his lobby boy Zero Moustafa. Echoing the chaotic hotel of Fawlty Towers and the eccentric characters and secret organisations of ‘Allo’, Allo’, with mysterious deaths and stolen paintings to boot, this unique and funny feature boasts an all-star cast, including Bill Murray and Saoirse Ronan. Tickets: €4.25 including regular tea/coffee before the event. Wild Strawberries is our film club for over 55s. If you are lucky enough to look younger please don’t take offense if we ask your age. Director: WES ANDERSON 99 mins, USA-Germany-UK, 2013, Digital