WHISKY (EVENING COURSE: SOUTH FACING) Director: JUAN PABLO REBELLA, PABLO STOLL Book cinema tickets Despite a smaller production output, Uruguay has made a modest impact on the region’s resurgence, through the success of a couple of titles, including this Un Certain Regard winner at Cannes. Deadpan humour sets the tone of this gentle drama in which humdrum sock factory owner, Jacoba, decides to invent a better life for himself when his flashier brother comes to visit. However, inviting his longest serving employee Marta to live as his ‘wife’ doesn’t automatically bring harmony. Dr Cara Levey will join us to discuss Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll’s Whisky and its place within the cinema of Uruguay. Levey will consider representations of Uruguay and how this small country has found its place within the resurgence of Latin American cinema. This event is taking place as part of the IFI Evening Course, South Facing (Tuesdays, October 7th – November 11th). Full course price: €65 (€60 concessions), including tea/coffee. Please book your place by calling Sharon Corrigan on 01 679 5744 or emailing scorrigan@irishfilm.ie (individual tickets for films on this Course are not available.) Director: JUAN PABLO REBELLA, PABLO STOLL