THE PAST Director: ASGHAR FARHADI 130 minutes, France, 2013, Colour, D-Cinema Book cinema tickets Tickets are on sale now. This film closes on Thursday, April 10th. After four years away, Ahmed returns to Paris from his home in Iran to finalise a divorce from his French wife Marie. He is troubled to find her living with a new love and in conflict with her daughter. As Ahmed tries to address the family’s issues, his noble intentions are undermined by secrets from the past. Making a film outside of Iran for the first time, Asghar Farhadi delivers a work as emotionally involving as the celebrated films he made in his home country. As with A Separation and About Elly, he creates characters utterly believable when forced to confront honest, human failings they find in themselves and in those that they love, and incidents that initially appear insignificant gain weight as the drama progresses. This is masterful filmmaking featuring an outstanding cast which includes the acclaimed Iranian actor and director Ali Mosaffa, Tahar Rahim (A Prophet) and Bérénice Bejo (The Artist), the latter the recipient of the award for best actress at Cannes 2013. (Notes by Michael Hayden.) ★★★★ RTÉ TEN ★★★★ The Guardian ★★★★ The Irish Times Don’t forget we now schedule weekly. FRENCH FILM CLUBThere will be a Club screening of this film on April 7th at 20.20. Tickets €7 for IFI and Alliance Française members. Please request at the IFI Box Office. This film will feature as part of April’s FREE film club meeting, The Critical Take, on Monday, April 28th at 18.30. This club is open to all so please join us to chat about this film and more! Simply collect your free ticket at the IFI Box Office. Director: ASGHAR FARHADI 130 minutes, France, 2013, Colour, D-Cinema