GAZE 2020: Alice Junior Director: Gil Baroni 87 mins, Brazil, 2019, Digital Book cinema tickets To pre-order Alice Junior, click here. The film will be available to view from Saturday, October 3rd at 13.15. IRISH PREMIERE IFI@HOME EXCLUSIVE Adolescence is hard, but Alice Junior makes it look easy: a popular YouTube channel, a loving and devoted father, and all it takes to live happily as a young transgender woman. All she cares about is her first kiss. That is until Dad drops the news that they’re moving to the middle of nowhere for his new job! Alice’s new super-traditional surroundings are a definite shock to the system. But she is not prepared to accept the small-mindedness around her. Starting with her classmates, she fights for her rights, and teaches them a valuable lesson: it’s not those on the lower rung of the ladder we need to challenge, it’s the oppressors at the top! Featuring a star making role for young Anne Celestino, Alice Junior is a sparky and uplifting melange of teenage emotions and emojis. It’s a brazen and delightful film, proving once again that even in the most challenging times, Brazil is leading the way in LGBTQ+ narratives. Alice Junior will also show as part of the IFI Schools Programme, launching early Autumn with a brand new IFI @Schools platform. IFI Schools Programme reaches over 20000 young people annually nationwide, with a range of films to support curricula, film studies and transition year. For more information contact Followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. In association with BeLong To & IFI Explorers. Director: Gil Baroni 87 mins, Brazil, 2019, Digital