Rose Glass follows up Saint Maud, her incendiary debut from 2019, with an unapologetically queer and decidedly pulpy thriller that solidifies her status as a visionary with a gift for characterisation and eye-grabbing imagery.
The setting is a gym in... Read More
BOOK NOW Times: 13:10, 20:40
When Gary Lennon (I Dream in Photos) lived next door to a Music Conservatory in Shanghai he became acutely aware of the piano-mania sweeping the country. With over 40 million piano students in China, the competition to secure places in... Read More
BOOK NOW Times: 13:50, 18:10 (Q&A)
Legendary Irish reporter Charlie Bird is determined to break one final story before his life is cut short by Motor Neurone Disease. His sources have given him an extraordinary true crime story, one that had remained secret for decades –... Read More
BOOK NOW Times: 13.20, 20.20 (+Q&A)
Trainspotting exploded onto cinema screens and into popular culture, the pounding drums of Iggy Pop’s Lust For Life accompanying Renton’s (Ewan McGregor) belittling of consumerist society immediately iconic, and its soundtrack as ubiquitous as that of Pulp Fiction. Renton, Spud... Read More
BOOK NOW Times: 15.30, 18.15
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