Irish Film Institute -WEBINAR: Planning for Preservation at the IFI Irish film Archive

WEBINAR: Planning for Preservation at the IFI Irish film Archive

Watch Raelene Casey, Digital Collections and Access Manager’s presentation on Planning for Preservation at the IFI Irish Film Archive.  IFI Irish Film Archive was invited to contribute as it is one of the only audio-visual archives in Europe to have published a Digital Preservation and Access Strategy

This webinar was part of the Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving, an initiative from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and PrestoCentre. The Winter School was held on 17, 18 and 19 February 2016 at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum (NL). It provided audiovisual collection managers with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement or improve the digital preservation management

The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland