IFI International provides Irish film programming services for cultural exhibitors outside Ireland. Drawing on the collections of the IFI Irish Film Archive and liaising with sales agents, distributors, producers, and directors, IFI International provides access for cultural exhibitors to new and classic Irish cinema.
Supported by Culture Ireland, IFI International works with over 100 exhibition partners in more than 50 countries annually to strategically develop a global audience for Irish film culture. Irish film programmes are presented in contexts which enhance understanding of Irish cinema and which provide new routes for audiences who may be unfamiliar with Irish culture.
The IFI International service creates a gateway to Irish film through:
March 2021 saw the online launch of IFI International, a new streaming service providing access to Irish film to audiences across the globe, in association with festival partners. More information is available at The IFI Collection launched in April 2021, an IFI-curated compendium of new and recent Irish films representing the best of Irish independent filmmaking talent, and serving a vibrant, multi-faceted picture of Irish life with subjects ranging from the historical to the contemporary. The IFI International app is available to download on iOS and Android. For more information please contact Eleanor Melinn, IFI International Programme Manager, and read our FAQs.
IFI International annual partner festivals The following list is not exhaustive. See Events for a full listing of the festivals and events that IFI International supported this year, and the films that screened.
A COMPLETE UNKNOWN 13:20, 17:30, 20:20
A REAL PAIN 15:30, 18:40
MARIA 13:00, 20:40
NOSFERATU (DIGITAL) 15:50 (Digital)
The IFI is supported by The Arts Council
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