Junior Cycle Short Course in Film: Blancanieves Director: Pablo Berger Spain, 2012, Drama/Fantasy, 104min Book cinema tickets Broaden your Junior Cycle group’s film horizons with this surprising and refreshing version of Snow White. Silent and in black and white, it is set in 1920s Spain. A famous bullfighter is gored in the ring, and when his wife dies giving birth to their daughter the little girl ends up in the clutches of his cruel second wife. A perfect introduction to the expressive visual possibilities of silent film. WATCH TRAILER In collaboration with FĺS Film Project and Fresh Film Festival, and in consultation with a group of teachers and their Junior Cycle classes, we are developing and piloting a Short Course in Film for Junior Cycle that involves watching, making and showing film. In the first section of our pilot, students have watched a selection of film, enjoyed the full cinematic experience at the IFI or their local cinema and explored film in more detail in the classroom. They have discovered how camera angles and sound are used, worked on their critical viewing skills and applied their knowledge of film language to their personal response to the films. Our pilot will continue until the end of this school year with classes working on their filmmaking skills and learning how to run a film festival. To find out more about our Short Course in Film contact Elaine on (01) 679 5744/emacginty@irishfilm.ie. Director: Pablo Berger Spain, 2012, Drama/Fantasy, 104min