Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Film Listing

The End of the Counter

    • Director

      Laura McGann

    • Credits

      Producer: Aisling Ahmed

  • Category


A warm look on how Irish people once shopped, this documentary short recalls the history of ‘over-the-counter’ shops. In these, all goods were kept behind a counter and the shopper would wait whilst the owner filled their order; the conversation and easy pace of this method is fondly remembered even as the modernisation of Irish shopping is acknowledged and welcomed. Mixing a wealth of amateur footage and interviews with reminiscing shoppers, The End of the Counter doubles as both nostalgia and history, making a record of way of living made redundant by the passage of time.

Best Short Documentary Award at the 25th Galway Film Fleadh 2013.

13 minutes, Ireland, 2012, Colour

The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland