SID AND NANCY Director: ALEX COX 114 mins, UK, 1986, Digital Book cinema tickets This film was released 5th August 2016, and is no longer screening. In October 1978, former bassist for the Sex Pistols and infamous poster child of punk, Sid Vicious, was arrested in a squalid Chelsea Hotel room and later charged with the murder of his American girlfriend and then manager Nancy Spungen, who was found dead from a stab wound on their bathroom floor. Taking this sinister, unresolved episode as his starting point, director Alex Cox (Repo Man, Walker) then ashes back nineteen months earlier when the pair first met in London where Spungen had moved from New York as a teenager. Unflinching in its depiction of their heroin-fuelled and sordid romance, the film has gained cult status for its improvisatory style, moments of dark humour and inspired cinematography (the film was shot by the legendary Roger Deakins). Most impressive however are the formidable performances from an emaciated, appropriately defiant Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb, unforgettable as kooky, ill-fated Spungen. (Notes by Alice Butler.) Director: ALEX COX 114 mins, UK, 1986, Digital