Director: Neele Leana Vollmar
Germany • 2014 • 97 mins • Adventure/Family/Comedy • English subtitles
Rico might not know his rights from his lefts, but he has a talent for noticing things, particularly with his new friend, the super-smart, crash-helmet-wearing Oskar. With the notorious kidnapper ‘Mr. 2000’ at large, can Rico and Oskar stop him? A huge cinema hit in Germany, this heart-warming tale is adapted from the first novel in Andreas Steinhöfel’s best-selling trilogy.
Age 6+.
Why not read the book before seeing the film? Join other readers after the show in our mini Festival book club.
Presented in co-operation with the Goethe-Institut Irland.
Subtitles will be read aloud by and experienced reader.
This film is screening as part of IFI Family Festival 2016 (June 24 – 26th).