One of the most original animations this year is this story of projectionist Emile, his driver friend Raoul, a singer Lucille (voiced by Vanessa Paradis) and the monster, Francoeur, let loose on the city of Paris. There’s also a singing monkey, Charles, and Maynott, the local Chief of Police who is up for re-election. When he hears there’s a monster about, he decides to use the hunt to his advantage. If he convinces the people that they are in danger and he manages to capture the beast, he’ll win their favour. However, it doesn’t go as planned as Lucille hears Francoeur singing and puts him in her show. He’s uncovered and ultimately a chase ensues that also involves an air balloon and finally they all end up at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Familiar city sights and streetscapes are brought swirling into view through this 3D animation.
For more in the best international animation and live-action feature films for young people, come to our IFI Family Festival in July (5th – 9th). Win family tickets to the Festival at the screening (details to be announced).
€4.80 per person, €14.40 family ticket (2 adults, 2 children)
We will be screening Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox on June 24th at 14.00 as part of our Wes Anderson season.