When breadwinner Reg is injured at work, his wife Cathy has to fight to keep her family together, dealing with poverty, debt and homelessness.
Shot on location in London on a handheld camera, with voice-over narration by the protagonists, Cathy Come Home was a daring work that proved to be a defining moment in British television. It provoked major public and political discussion about a housing crisis when it was first broadcast, and the homelessness charity Shelter was launched a few days after it aired.
This screening is FREE but ticketed. Please book at the IFI Box Office. Ken Loach will take part in a Q&A before this screening at 18.30.
This film is screening as part of Ken Loach (Part One), May 3rd – 28th. Loach’s latest film, Jimmy’s Hall, opens at the IFI on May 30th.