Join us for FREE lunchtime screenings of films from the IFI Irish Film Archive.
This month’s series, which looks at the changing role of women in Irish society, provides a rich factual counterpoint to the feature films in our Beyond the Bechdel Test season. Hoodwinked is a three part documentary series which will be screened at consecutive lunchtimes throughout July.
Hoodwinked is Trish McAdam’s three-part documentary which appeared originally on RTÉ in 1998.The third and final of the Hoodwinked series, the place women occupied in Ireland during the 1990s is brought under the microscope here, with exciting questions about the future of Irish women asked. Issues that remain hot topics today – such as women’s reproductive rights – are discussed through contributions from figures as diverse as Sinead O’Connor and Mary O’Rourke, with a positive note sounded about Irish women going forward.
This event is part of Beyond the Bechdel Test, our season throughout July focusing on the work of directors who have explored the complex ties between women that are an integral aspect of the films’ narratives, named after the American cartoonist Alison Bechdel who introduced the idea in her 1985 comic strip.
Programme 1, Programme 2 and Programme 3 will screen at consecutive lunchtimes throughout July. Please ask at the IFI Box Office for dates and times. Simply book your FREE seat by contacting the IFI Box Office on 01 679 3477 or emailing boxoffice@irishfilm.ie (given that events can sell out, please note that your emailed booking requests must be confirmed by reply email from the Box Office in order to be considered valid).