ARCHIVE AT LUNCHTIME: PROGRAMME 2 (FREE EVENT – NOV 2013) Director: Bob Quinn 20 minutes, 1977, Colour Book cinema tickets Join us for free screenings of films from the IFI Irish Film Archive. Simply collect your tickets at the IFI Box Office. This month’s programme complements the IFI and Experimental Film Club programme which attempts to trace an Irish experimental tradition. PROGRAMME 2: Self Portrait with Red Car Bob Quinn’s clever little film is about the degree to which sound controls our perception of reality. Artist Brian Bourke is the human being in the film. His performance is brilliant, and very funny. These screenings take place at lunchtime on Mondays and Wednesdays, with a double bill on Saturdays. Please check at the IFI Box Office or here for times. See also Programme 1 in this month’s series. Simply book your FREE seat by contacting the IFI Box Office on 01 679 3477 or emailing (given that events can sell out, please note that your emailed booking requests must be confirmed by reply email from the Box Office in order to be considered valid). Director: Bob Quinn 20 minutes, 1977, Colour