Join us for free daily lunchtime screenings of short films from the IFI Film Archive collections. Simply collect your tickets at the IFI Box Office.
Throughout July, we explore Irish holiday camps on film.
Amharc Éireann Compilation
A compilation of stories from Gael Linn’s newsreel showing holiday camps for children and dogs!
7 mins, Ireland, 1956-64, Digital, Subtitled, Black & White
The Irish College Ranafast
An early film from the Radharc Team – and one of few presented in the Irish language- this film shows the townland of Ranafast in Donegal come alive each year as thousands of students from all over Ireland arrive to attend Coláiste Bhríde, stay with local families and improve their Irish.
12 mins, Ireland, 1962, Digital, Subtitled
An Ghaeilge Bheo
A young girl fondly remembers her summer at Irish College in the Connemara Gaeltacht. She remembers a visit to Padraig Pearse’s cottage and Raidió na Gaeltachta; fun at the céilidh; helping local farmers with the harvest and a trip to Aran Mór.
30 mins, Ireland, 1975, Digital, Subtitled