This film screened 5th March 2016.
Following a screening of Howard Hawks’ 1940 screwball comedy His Girl Friday starring Cary Grant as sardonic newspaper editor Walter Burns and Rosalind Russell as his ex-wife and star reporter Hildy Johnson (originally written as a male role), a panel comprising Professor Diane Negra (UCD), Dr. Deborah Jermyn (Roehampton University) and Dr. Shelley Cobb (University of Southampton) will address a diverse set of questions in relation to the continued viability of the ‘chick flick’ as a means of coming to grips with some of the ideological uncertainties, ambivalence’s and industrial shifts that currently characterise female media representation.
Notes by Alice Butler.
Tickets: €10 for both screening and panel discussion (tickets not sold separately). There will be a short break after the screening (approx. 30 mins) before the discussion starts.